No doubt about it. RV camping is a big adventure. But you don’t need a big RV to have big-RV fun. A small RV can maximize your camping enjoyment while minimizing your costs. There are many kinds of small RVs on the market, and one is sure to fit your camping needs. Want to learn more facts about small RVs?
How much does a new small RV cost? There are, of course, as many answers to that question as there are small RVs. We’ll briefly overview the types of small RVs available and provide an estimated MSRP for new models. Remember, this is just an estimate – for a definitive price quote, contact an RV sales expert.
Pop-Up Trailer – Small in size (though some can sleep six), the pop-up is the smallest, lightest member of the trailer family. Pop-ups are great for weekend trips and occasional longer trips by determined families. Expect to pay around $6,500 for base-model pop-ups all the way to $18,000+ for the largest, most luxurious models.
Note: RV Wholesale Superstore has many high-quality pre-owned pop-up RVs in stock throughout the year.
Travel Trailer – Small towable travel trailers range in size from mini “teardrop” units of about 12 feet to units up to 23 feet long. But small in size doesn’t mean they’re small in amenities The newest generation models offer designer-grade interiors, slide-outs, bunk beds, and built-in generators. Plus, they’re frequently made using lightweight construction, so even the largest ones can be towed by a standard-duty truck or SUV. The estimated MSRPs for small new travel trailers generally run between $8,000 and $23,000, depending on make, model, size, and features.
Expandable Hybrid RV – Can’t decide between a pop-up camper and a travel trailer? You can have the best of both RV worlds with an expandable hybrid RV. These RVs feature the rigid body of a travel trailer with expanding canvas areas, usually sleeping compartments off the front and/or back. They offer the full canvas-camping experience with less setup time and a bit more protection from the elements. Not surprisingly, the cost for these hybrids is generally between the cost of a pop-up and that of a travel trailer; their MSRPs range from $11,000 to $20,000.
Class C Motorhome – At the upper end of the small RV spectrum, you have theClass C motorhomes. Think of them as a combination of a van and a travel trailer. The cab of the RV is made up of the driver’s portion of the van, with the “camper” portion of the vehicle extending over and behind it. (Usually, the over-cab area holds a bed.) Class Cs are popular because they combine the convenience of a motorhome, but are far more maneuverable and far less expensive. Plus, they consume a lot less gas than their full-sized (Class A) motorhome counterparts, leaving more money in the camping budget for adventure!Generally, their length in feet ranges from the low 20s on up to 33 feet. These RVs start in price around $60,000, but some very high-end models can go well over $100,000.
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