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5 Ways to Reduce Cabin Noise in Your Vehicle

Marge Stevens

Noise – it’s just part of the job when you work in the trades. But you don’t have to take it along for the ride. If you find yourself turning up the radio to tune out the noise in your work vehicle, try these 5 tips to reduce cabin noise. You may actually find yourself enjoying your commute.

Why Is Vehicle Noise a Problem?

A noisy work vehicle can be irritating, even stressful. But it can also be distracting and dangerous. It’s easy for drivers to take their eyes off the road if they hear a crash from something falling in the cargo area – and that’s all it takes for an accident to occur.

Beyond that, the noise coming from the cargo area – or the music on the radio you turned up to drowned out the noise – can make hearing sirens from emergency vehicles difficult. Plus, it can affect your hearing over time, just like any other recurrent loud noise.

The first step in reducing vehicle noise is to determine where it’s coming from. The majority of interior noise in a work vehicle originates is in the cargo area. However, road noise and noise from the vehicle itself can be a contributing factor. Some issues require only a quick fix; others may need a little more investment. Either way, you’ll get a quieter, more enjoyable ride.

Try These 5 Noise-Reducing Tips

#1 Check the exhaust system and tires

Most of the outside sound coming into your cab comes from the road, the wind, or the vehicle itself. A vehicle’s exhaust system is notorious for being the source of a noise problem. But tire wheels can produce their share of road noise. Other things to check are loose belts and fittings; inspect and adjust as needed.

#2 Add noise-blocking weather seals

If you’re hearing wind noise, add weather stripping to your doors and window areas. You can find it online or at many auto supply stores. If there’s a whistling noise coming from your outside mirrors, it’s most likely the wind making its way through the lower drain holes. A small strip of tape is a quick and easy fix.

#3 Install sound-deadening panels

Even though most work vehicles have some sort of built-in sound-deadening features, it’s often not enough for a quiet ride. Sound deadening-panels for the ceiling, walls, and doors can be purchased as an aftermarket add-on for many models. Check the Internet to see what’s available for your vehicle.

#4 Secure your tools and equipment

Shake, rattle and roll – that’s what you’ll listen to every commute if your tools and supplies aren’t secure. Awell-organized cargo area with space-optimizing storage units does more than make you look professional. It saves time you’d have spent looking for equipment and keeps items in place–safe, secure, and quiet. An extra tip: line the bottom of storage drawers with inexpensive rubber or felt pieces for extra interior noise reduction.

#5 Add a partition

A partition is one of the most practical van accessories you can purchase. It not only separates you from the noise in your cargo area, but it makes heating or cooling the cabin quick and efficient. At Adrian Steel, our goal is to make your work vehicle more quiet – and organized – than ever. Check out our new composite partition – the quiet industry leader!

Want to learn more about our partitions or other cargo storage solutions? Contact us online or find adistributor near you to get started today!

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