When you’re making your spring-cleaning to-do list, don’t forget your chimney. Spring is the best time to clean your chimney in Michigan (or in any other Midwest state), to remove whatever may be lurking there – be it animal, vegetable, or mineral – and make repairs. Here are 5 reasons why:
#1: You’ll Avoid Costly Damage
Creosote – that byproduct left in chimneys after wood is burned in a fireplace – is not only flammable, it’s also acidic. Moisture from rain and humidity combine with the creosote, creating an acidic mixture that can cause the deterioration of your chimney’s interior. You should have your chimney cleaned annually to get rid of the creosote buildup, ideally before the spring and summer rains.
#2: It Eliminates that “Musty Fireplace Smell”
While everyone loves the smell of a wood fire, the smells that linger in a fireplace when it’s not in use aren’t as pleasant. That “musty fireplace smell” that’s so common in the spring could indicate water damage in your chimney. A good cleaning before the rainy season will rid your fireplace of that musty smell and minimize the chance of water damage. If your fireplace has a different smell – such as asphalt, decomposing matter, or animal waste – that’s also a sign it needs a good cleaning. Learn more about the different types of fireplace odors and what you can do about them in this previous blog article.
#3: It Will Protect You Against Intruders
In this case, we’re talking about the kind of intruders with fur or feathers. Chimneys are a natural draw for wildlife, including adventurous or nesting birds, squirrels, or raccoons – and in spring, they’re looking for new food sources or a nice place for a nest. The first line of defense against these intruders is a well-maintained chimney cap or crown. A chimney cleaning includes an inspection of the cap/crown, so if it’s not in peak condition, you’ll be able to have it repaired or replaced before it becomes a hangout for area wildlife.
#4: You’ll Beat the Seasonal Rush
Fall is always the busiest season for chimney cleaning, and if you put it off until then, you may have to wait for service. If you schedule a spring cleaning, you’ll get appointment times that fit easily into your busy schedule.
#5: You’ll Have Extra Time to Make Repairs
While you enjoyed that fireplace throughout the winter months, it may have sustained damage. A spring chimney cleaning will reveal any seasonal damage, and you’ll have plenty of time to make repairs and have your fireplace in top form before burning season begins again. NOTE: Masonry repairs can only be made when the temperature is above 32 degrees.
Schedule your spring chimney cleaning today! Give us a call at 800-438-3583 or send us an email at office@drflue.com to request an appointment.
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